British pounds converter


British pounds converter ✅ British pounds converter conversion calculator to easily convert from GBP currencies to other currencies.

British pounds converter


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British pounds converter (GBP, £) + British pound exchange rate

Convert from British pounds to: U.S. dollars, Euros, Japanese yen, Bitcoins, British pounds, Australian dollars, Bulgarian lev, Brazilian real, Canadian dollars, Chinese yuan, Croatian kuna, Czech koruna, Danish krone, Indian rupee, Israeli shekel, Hungarian forint, Mexican peso, New Zealand dollar, Norwegian krone, Romanian leu, Russian ruble, Serbian dinar, Swedish krona, Swiss franc, Thai baht, Turkish lira, Ukrainian hryvnia.

Example -> British pounds converter

The pound (sign: £) is the main unit of sterling, and the currency itself may be referred to by the compound noun pound sterling or the term British pound, although neither of these are official names of the currency. One pound sterling is subdivided into 100 pence sterling (singular: penny, abbreviated: p).

1 GBP = 1.244 USD2 GBP = 2.487 USD5 GBP = 6.218 USD10 GBP = 12.436 USD
1 GBP = 1.168 EUR2 GBP = 2.337 EUR5 GBP = 5.842 EUR10 GBP = 11.684 EUR
1 GBP = 192.277 JPY2 GBP = 384.554 JPY5 GBP = 961.385 JPY10 GBP = 1922.771 JPY
1 GBP = 0 BTC2 GBP = 0 BTC5 GBP = 0 BTC10 GBP = 0 BTC
1 GBP = 1.936 AUD2 GBP = 3.871 AUD5 GBP = 9.679 AUD10 GBP = 19.357 AUD
1 GBP = 2.283 BGN2 GBP = 4.566 BGN5 GBP = 11.415 BGN10 GBP = 22.831 BGN
1 GBP = 6.52 BRL2 GBP = 13.041 BRL5 GBP = 32.602 BRL10 GBP = 65.205 BRL
1 GBP = 1.712 CAD2 GBP = 3.425 CAD5 GBP = 8.562 CAD10 GBP = 17.124 CAD
1 GBP = 9.001 CNY2 GBP = 18.002 CNY5 GBP = 45.004 CNY10 GBP = 90.009 CNY
1 GBP = 8.805 HRK2 GBP = 17.61 HRK5 GBP = 44.025 HRK10 GBP = 88.05 HRK
1 GBP = 29.539 CZK2 GBP = 59.079 CZK5 GBP = 147.697 CZK10 GBP = 295.395 CZK
1 GBP = 8.717 DKK2 GBP = 17.435 DKK5 GBP = 43.586 DKK10 GBP = 87.173 DKK
1 GBP = 103.898 INR2 GBP = 207.796 INR5 GBP = 519.489 INR10 GBP = 1038.978 INR
1 GBP = 4.718 ILS2 GBP = 9.435 ILS5 GBP = 23.589 ILS10 GBP = 47.177 ILS
1 GBP = 460.747 HUF2 GBP = 921.494 HUF5 GBP = 2303.736 HUF10 GBP = 4607.472 HUF
1 GBP = 21.238 MXN2 GBP = 42.476 MXN5 GBP = 106.189 MXN10 GBP = 212.379 MXN
1 GBP = 2.107 NZD2 GBP = 4.214 NZD5 GBP = 10.534 NZD10 GBP = 21.068 NZD
1 GBP = 13.752 NOK2 GBP = 27.503 NOK5 GBP = 68.758 NOK10 GBP = 137.517 NOK
1 GBP = 5.814 RON2 GBP = 11.627 RON5 GBP = 29.068 RON10 GBP = 58.135 RON
1 GBP = 117.086 RUB2 GBP = 234.172 RUB5 GBP = 585.43 RUB10 GBP = 1170.86 RUB
1 GBP = 136.846 RSD2 GBP = 273.691 RSD5 GBP = 684.228 RSD10 GBP = 1368.456 RSD
1 GBP = 13.65 SEK2 GBP = 27.3 SEK5 GBP = 68.251 SEK10 GBP = 136.501 SEK
1 GBP = 1.135 CHF2 GBP = 2.269 CHF5 GBP = 5.673 CHF10 GBP = 11.346 CHF
1 GBP = 45.811 THB2 GBP = 91.622 THB5 GBP = 229.055 THB10 GBP = 458.109 THB
1 GBP = 40.502 TRY2 GBP = 81.005 TRY5 GBP = 202.511 TRY10 GBP = 405.023 TRY
1 GBP = 49.291 UAH2 GBP = 98.582 UAH5 GBP = 246.455 UAH10 GBP = 492.91 UAH

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