Japanese yen converter


Japanese yen converter ✅ Japanese yen converter conversion calculator to easily convert from JPY currencies to other currencies.

Japanese yen converter


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Japanese yen converter (JPY, ¥) + Japanese yen exchange rate

Convert from Japanese yen to: U.S. dollars, Euros, Japanese yen, Bitcoins, British pounds, Australian dollars, Bulgarian lev, Brazilian real, Canadian dollars, Chinese yuan, Croatian kuna, Czech koruna, Danish krone, Indian rupee, Israeli shekel, Hungarian forint, Mexican peso, New Zealand dollar, Norwegian krone, Romanian leu, Russian ruble, Serbian dinar, Swedish krona, Swiss franc, Thai baht, Turkish lira, Ukrainian hryvnia.

Example -> Japanese yen converter

The yen (Japanese: 円, symbol: ¥; code: JPY; also abbreviated as JP¥) is the official currency of Japan.

1 JPY = 0.006 USD2 JPY = 0.013 USD5 JPY = 0.032 USD10 JPY = 0.065 USD
1 JPY = 0.006 EUR2 JPY = 0.012 EUR5 JPY = 0.03 EUR10 JPY = 0.061 EUR
1 JPY = 0 BTC2 JPY = 0 BTC5 JPY = 0 BTC10 JPY = 0 BTC
1 JPY = 0.005 GBP2 JPY = 0.01 GBP5 JPY = 0.026 GBP10 JPY = 0.052 GBP
1 JPY = 0.01 AUD2 JPY = 0.02 AUD5 JPY = 0.05 AUD10 JPY = 0.101 AUD
1 JPY = 0.012 BGN2 JPY = 0.024 BGN5 JPY = 0.059 BGN10 JPY = 0.119 BGN
1 JPY = 0.034 BRL2 JPY = 0.068 BRL5 JPY = 0.169 BRL10 JPY = 0.338 BRL
1 JPY = 0.009 CAD2 JPY = 0.018 CAD5 JPY = 0.045 CAD10 JPY = 0.089 CAD
1 JPY = 0.047 CNY2 JPY = 0.094 CNY5 JPY = 0.234 CNY10 JPY = 0.468 CNY
1 JPY = 0.046 HRK2 JPY = 0.092 HRK5 JPY = 0.229 HRK10 JPY = 0.458 HRK
1 JPY = 0.153 CZK2 JPY = 0.307 CZK5 JPY = 0.766 CZK10 JPY = 1.533 CZK
1 JPY = 0.045 DKK2 JPY = 0.091 DKK5 JPY = 0.226 DKK10 JPY = 0.453 DKK
1 JPY = 0.539 INR2 JPY = 1.078 INR5 JPY = 2.696 INR10 JPY = 5.392 INR
1 JPY = 0.024 ILS2 JPY = 0.049 ILS5 JPY = 0.122 ILS10 JPY = 0.243 ILS
1 JPY = 2.392 HUF2 JPY = 4.785 HUF5 JPY = 11.962 HUF10 JPY = 23.924 HUF
1 JPY = 0.111 MXN2 JPY = 0.221 MXN5 JPY = 0.553 MXN10 JPY = 1.106 MXN
1 JPY = 0.011 NZD2 JPY = 0.022 NZD5 JPY = 0.055 NZD10 JPY = 0.11 NZD
1 JPY = 0.071 NOK2 JPY = 0.143 NOK5 JPY = 0.356 NOK10 JPY = 0.713 NOK
1 JPY = 0.03 RON2 JPY = 0.06 RON5 JPY = 0.151 RON10 JPY = 0.302 RON
1 JPY = 0.607 RUB2 JPY = 1.215 RUB5 JPY = 3.036 RUB10 JPY = 6.073 RUB
1 JPY = 0.71 RSD2 JPY = 1.42 RSD5 JPY = 3.55 RSD10 JPY = 7.1 RSD
1 JPY = 0.071 SEK2 JPY = 0.141 SEK5 JPY = 0.353 SEK10 JPY = 0.706 SEK
1 JPY = 0.006 CHF2 JPY = 0.012 CHF5 JPY = 0.029 CHF10 JPY = 0.059 CHF
1 JPY = 0.238 THB2 JPY = 0.476 THB5 JPY = 1.19 THB10 JPY = 2.381 THB
1 JPY = 0.21 TRY2 JPY = 0.42 TRY5 JPY = 1.05 TRY10 JPY = 2.101 TRY
1 JPY = 0.257 UAH2 JPY = 0.514 UAH5 JPY = 1.285 UAH10 JPY = 2.569 UAH

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