U.S. dollars converter


U.S. dollars converter ✅ U.S. dollars converter conversion calculator to easily convert from USD currencies to other currencies.

U.S. dollars converter


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U.S. dollars converter (USD, $) + U.S. dollar exchange rate

Convert from U.S. dollars to: U.S. dollars, Euros, Japanese yen, Bitcoins, British pounds, Australian dollars, Bulgarian lev, Brazilian real, Canadian dollars, Chinese yuan, Croatian kuna, Czech koruna, Danish krone, Indian rupee, Israeli shekel, Hungarian forint, Mexican peso, New Zealand dollar, Norwegian krone, Romanian leu, Russian ruble, Serbian dinar, Swedish krona, Swiss franc, Thai baht, Turkish lira, Ukrainian hryvnia.

Example -> U.S. dollars converter

The United States dollar (symbol: $; code: USD; also abbreviated US$ or U.S., refered as Dollar, American dollar, or colloquially buck) is the official currency of the United States and several other countries.

1 USD = 0.939 EUR2 USD = 1.877 EUR5 USD = 4.693 EUR10 USD = 9.386 EUR
1 USD = 154.604 JPY2 USD = 309.208 JPY5 USD = 773.019 JPY10 USD = 1546.038 JPY
1 USD = 0 BTC2 USD = 0 BTC5 USD = 0 BTC10 USD = 0 BTC
1 USD = 0.808 GBP2 USD = 1.617 GBP5 USD = 4.041 GBP10 USD = 8.083 GBP
1 USD = 1.558 AUD2 USD = 3.115 AUD5 USD = 7.788 AUD10 USD = 15.576 AUD
1 USD = 1.836 BGN2 USD = 3.672 BGN5 USD = 9.181 BGN10 USD = 18.361 BGN
1 USD = 5.199 BRL2 USD = 10.399 BRL5 USD = 25.997 BRL10 USD = 51.993 BRL
1 USD = 1.375 CAD2 USD = 2.75 CAD5 USD = 6.875 CAD10 USD = 13.75 CAD
1 USD = 7.24 CNY2 USD = 14.48 CNY5 USD = 36.2 CNY10 USD = 72.399 CNY
1 USD = 7.08 HRK2 USD = 14.16 HRK5 USD = 35.401 HRK10 USD = 70.802 HRK
1 USD = 23.699 CZK2 USD = 47.398 CZK5 USD = 118.495 CZK10 USD = 236.991 CZK
1 USD = 7.002 DKK2 USD = 14.005 DKK5 USD = 35.012 DKK10 USD = 70.024 DKK
1 USD = 83.381 INR2 USD = 166.762 INR5 USD = 416.904 INR10 USD = 833.808 INR
1 USD = 3.761 ILS2 USD = 7.522 ILS5 USD = 18.806 ILS10 USD = 37.611 ILS
1 USD = 370.167 HUF2 USD = 740.334 HUF5 USD = 1850.835 HUF10 USD = 3701.669 HUF
1 USD = 17.121 MXN2 USD = 34.242 MXN5 USD = 85.605 MXN10 USD = 171.21 MXN
1 USD = 1.699 NZD2 USD = 3.397 NZD5 USD = 8.494 NZD10 USD = 16.987 NZD
1 USD = 11.021 NOK2 USD = 22.042 NOK5 USD = 55.106 NOK10 USD = 110.211 NOK
1 USD = 4.671 RON2 USD = 9.341 RON5 USD = 23.354 RON10 USD = 46.707 RON
1 USD = 93.904 RUB2 USD = 187.807 RUB5 USD = 469.518 RUB10 USD = 939.037 RUB
1 USD = 109.951 RSD2 USD = 219.902 RSD5 USD = 549.755 RSD10 USD = 1099.51 RSD
1 USD = 10.931 SEK2 USD = 21.862 SEK5 USD = 54.654 SEK10 USD = 109.308 SEK
1 USD = 0.91 CHF2 USD = 1.82 CHF5 USD = 4.55 CHF10 USD = 9.101 CHF
1 USD = 36.84 THB2 USD = 73.681 THB5 USD = 184.202 THB10 USD = 368.404 THB
1 USD = 32.584 TRY2 USD = 65.167 TRY5 USD = 162.918 TRY10 USD = 325.836 TRY
1 USD = 39.817 UAH2 USD = 79.635 UAH5 USD = 199.087 UAH10 USD = 398.175 UAH

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