Kilowatt converter


Kilowatt converter ✅ Kilowatt conversion calculator to easily convert from kilowatt type units of measurement to other units.

Kilowatt converter


Power Conversion Calculator FAQ

Kilowatt converter (kW)

Convert from kilowatts to: gigawatts, megawatts, kilowatts, watts, milliwatts, horsepower, horsepower (metric), BTU/h, calorie/h.

Kilowatt conversion chart

A kilowatt (symbol: kW) is equal to one thousand watts (1000 W). This unit is typically used to express the output power of engines and the power of electric motors, tools, machines, and heaters.

(Results are rounded to 4 digits.)

1 kW = 0 GW2 kW = 0 GW5 kW = 0 GW10 kW = 0 GW
1 kW = 0.001 MW2 kW = 0.002 MW5 kW = 0.005 MW10 kW = 0.01 MW
1 kW = 1000 W2 kW = 2000 W5 kW = 5000 W10 kW = 10000 W
1 kW = 1000000 mW2 kW = 2000000 mW5 kW = 5000000 mW10 kW = 10000000 mW
1 kW = 1.341 hp2 kW = 2.682 hp5 kW = 6.7051 hp10 kW = 13.4102 hp
1 kW = 1.3596 hpm2 kW = 2.7192 hpm5 kW = 6.7981 hpm10 kW = 13.5962 hpm
1 kW = 3412.1416 BTU/h2 kW = 6824.2833 BTU/h5 kW = 17060.7082 BTU/h10 kW = 34121.4163 BTU/h
1 kW = 859845.2279 cal/h2 kW = 1719690.4557 cal/h5 kW = 4299226.1393 cal/h10 kW = 8598452.2786 cal/h

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