Milliwatt converter


Milliwatt converter ✅ Milliwatt conversion calculator to easily convert from milliwatt type units of measurement to other units.

Milliwatt converter


Power Conversion Calculator FAQ

Milliwatt converter (mW)

Convert from milliwatts to: gigawatts, megawatts, kilowatts, watts, milliwatts, horsepower, horsepower (metric), BTU/h, calorie/h.

Milliwatt conversion chart

A milliwatt (symbol: mW) is equal to one thousandth of a watt (0.001 W).

(Results are rounded to 4 digits.)

1 mW = 0 GW2 mW = 0 GW5 mW = 0 GW10 mW = 0 GW
1 mW = 0 MW2 mW = 0 MW5 mW = 0 MW10 mW = 0 MW
1 mW = 0 kW2 mW = 0 kW5 mW = 0 kW10 mW = 0 kW
1 mW = 0.001 W2 mW = 0.002 W5 mW = 0.005 W10 mW = 0.01 W
1 mW = 0 hp2 mW = 0 hp5 mW = 0 hp10 mW = 0 hp
1 mW = 0 hpm2 mW = 0 hpm5 mW = 0 hpm10 mW = 0 hpm
1 mW = 0.0034 BTU/h2 mW = 0.0068 BTU/h5 mW = 0.0171 BTU/h10 mW = 0.0341 BTU/h
1 mW = 0.8598 cal/h2 mW = 1.7197 cal/h5 mW = 4.2992 cal/h10 mW = 8.5985 cal/h

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