Miles/hour converter


Miles/hour converter ✅ Miles/hour conversion calculator to easily convert from miles/hour type units of measurement to other units.

Miles/hour converter


Speed Conversion Calculator FAQ

Miles/hour converter (mph)

Convert from miles/hour to: kilometer/second, kilometer/hour, meter/second, knot, miles/hour.

Miles/hour conversion chart

Miles per hour (abbrevations: mph, m.p.h., MPH, or mi/h) is a British imperial and United States customary unit of speed expressing the number of miles travelled in one hour.

(Results are rounded to 4 digits.)

1 mph = 0.0004 km/s2 mph = 0.0009 km/s5 mph = 0.0022 km/s10 mph = 0.0045 km/s
1 mph = 1.6093 km/h2 mph = 3.2187 km/h5 mph = 8.0467 km/h10 mph = 16.0934 km/h
1 mph = 0.447 m/s2 mph = 0.8941 m/s5 mph = 2.2352 m/s10 mph = 4.4704 m/s
1 mph = 0.869 kn2 mph = 1.738 kn5 mph = 4.3449 kn10 mph = 8.6898 kn

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