Centiliters to Imperial pints conversion


Centiliters to Imperial pints conversion ✅ Centiliter to Imperial pint conversion calculator to easily convert from cl to ipt.

Centiliters to Imperial pints conversion


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Centiliters to Imperial pints conversion (cl ⇌ ipt)

Centiliters to Imperial pints conversion within a second. This is an easy-to-use volume converter which converts from: centiliter to: Imperial pint.

Centiliters to Imperial pints conversion chart

The centiliter is a commonly used unit of volume (sign: cl or cL), which is not an SI unit. 1 centiliter (cl) equals 0.01 liter (l), or 0.1 deciliter (dl), 10 milliliters (ml).

An imperial pint is one-half of an imperial quart and one-eighth of an imperial gallon. 1 pint (imperial) (pti) is therefore equal to 0.5 quart (imperial) (qti), or equal to 0.125 gallons (imperial) (gi).

(Results are rounded to 4 digits.)

0.01 cl = 0.0002 ipt1 cl = 0.0176 ipt100 cl = 1.7598 ipt
0.02 cl = 0.0004 ipt2 cl = 0.0352 ipt200 cl = 3.5195 ipt
0.03 cl = 0.0005 ipt3 cl = 0.0528 ipt300 cl = 5.2793 ipt
0.04 cl = 0.0007 ipt4 cl = 0.0704 ipt400 cl = 7.039 ipt
0.05 cl = 0.0009 ipt5 cl = 0.088 ipt500 cl = 8.7988 ipt
0.06 cl = 0.0011 ipt6 cl = 0.1056 ipt600 cl = 10.5585 ipt
0.07 cl = 0.0012 ipt7 cl = 0.1232 ipt700 cl = 12.3183 ipt
0.08 cl = 0.0014 ipt8 cl = 0.1408 ipt800 cl = 14.078 ipt
0.09 cl = 0.0016 ipt9 cl = 0.1584 ipt900 cl = 15.8378 ipt
0.1 cl = 0.0018 ipt10 cl = 0.176 ipt1000 cl = 17.5975 ipt
0.2 cl = 0.0035 ipt20 cl = 0.352 ipt2000 cl = 35.1951 ipt
0.3 cl = 0.0053 ipt30 cl = 0.5279 ipt3000 cl = 52.7926 ipt
0.4 cl = 0.007 ipt40 cl = 0.7039 ipt4000 cl = 70.3902 ipt
0.5 cl = 0.0088 ipt50 cl = 0.8799 ipt5000 cl = 87.9877 ipt
0.6 cl = 0.0106 ipt60 cl = 1.0559 ipt6000 cl = 105.5852 ipt
0.7 cl = 0.0123 ipt70 cl = 1.2318 ipt7000 cl = 123.1828 ipt
0.8 cl = 0.0141 ipt80 cl = 1.4078 ipt8000 cl = 140.7803 ipt
0.9 cl = 0.0158 ipt90 cl = 1.5838 ipt9000 cl = 158.3779 ipt

Sample Centiliters to Imperial pints conversion

(Results are rounded to 4 digits.)

Other centiliter converters

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