Cubic foot converter


Cubic foot converter ✅ Cubic foot conversion calculator to easily convert from cubic foot type units of measurement to other units.

Cubic foot converter


Volume Conversion Calculator FAQ

Cubic foot converter (ft³)

Convert from cubic feet to: cubic meters, cubic decimeters, cubic centimeters, cubic millimeters, liters, deciliters, centiliters, milliliters, US gallons, Imperial gallons, US quarts, Imperial quarts, US pints, Imperial pints, cubic yards, cubic feet, cubic inches.

Cubic foot conversion chart

The cubic foot (sign ft³ or cu ft) is the imperial and US customary (non-metric) unit of volume used in the United States and the United Kingdom. 1 cubic foot (ft³) equals 0.028 cubic meters (m³), or 1,728 cubic inches (in³).

(Results are rounded to 4 digits.)

1 ft³ = 0.0283 m³2 ft³ = 0.0566 m³5 ft³ = 0.1416 m³10 ft³ = 0.2832 m³
1 ft³ = 28.3168 dm³2 ft³ = 56.6337 dm³5 ft³ = 141.5842 dm³10 ft³ = 283.1685 dm³
1 ft³ = 28316.8466 cm³2 ft³ = 56633.6932 cm³5 ft³ = 141584.233 cm³10 ft³ = 283168.4659 cm³
1 ft³ = 28316846.592 mm³2 ft³ = 56633693.184 mm³5 ft³ = 141584232.96 mm³10 ft³ = 283168465.92 mm³
1 ft³ = 28.3168 l2 ft³ = 56.6337 l5 ft³ = 141.5842 l10 ft³ = 283.1685 l
1 ft³ = 283.1685 dl2 ft³ = 566.3369 dl5 ft³ = 1415.8423 dl10 ft³ = 2831.6847 dl
1 ft³ = 2831.6847 cl2 ft³ = 5663.3693 cl5 ft³ = 14158.4233 cl10 ft³ = 28316.8466 cl
1 ft³ = 28316.8466 ml2 ft³ = 56633.6932 ml5 ft³ = 141584.233 ml10 ft³ = 283168.4659 ml
1 ft³ = 7.4805 usg2 ft³ = 14.961 usg5 ft³ = 37.4026 usg10 ft³ = 74.8052 usg
1 ft³ = 6.2288 ig2 ft³ = 12.4577 ig5 ft³ = 31.1442 ig10 ft³ = 62.2884 ig
1 ft³ = 29.9221 usqt2 ft³ = 59.8442 usqt5 ft³ = 149.6104 usqt10 ft³ = 299.2208 usqt
1 ft³ = 24.9153 iqt2 ft³ = 49.8307 iqt5 ft³ = 124.5767 iqt10 ft³ = 249.1534 iqt
1 ft³ = 59.8442 uspt2 ft³ = 119.6883 uspt5 ft³ = 299.2208 uspt10 ft³ = 598.4416 uspt
1 ft³ = 49.8307 ipt2 ft³ = 99.6614 ipt5 ft³ = 249.1534 ipt10 ft³ = 498.3068 ipt
1 ft³ = 0.037 yd³2 ft³ = 0.0741 yd³5 ft³ = 0.1852 yd³10 ft³ = 0.3704 yd³
1 ft³ = 1728 in³2 ft³ = 3456 in³5 ft³ = 8640 in³10 ft³ = 17280 in³

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