Pound converter


Pound converter ✅ Pound conversion calculator to easily convert from pound type units of measurement to other units.

Pound converter


Weight and Mass Conversion Calculator FAQ

Pound converter (lbs)

Convert from pounds to: metric tons, long tons, short tons, kilograms, decagrams, grams, milligrams, ounces, pounds, carats.

Pound conversion chart

The pound is a unit of mass used in British imperial and United States customary systems of measurement (symbol: lb). 1 pound (lbs) is equal to 16 Ounces (oz).

(Results are rounded to 4 digits.)

1 lbs = 0.0005 t2 lbs = 0.0009 t5 lbs = 0.0023 t10 lbs = 0.0045 t
1 lbs = 0.0004 lt2 lbs = 0.0009 lt5 lbs = 0.0022 lt10 lbs = 0.0045 lt
1 lbs = 0.0005 tn2 lbs = 0.001 tn5 lbs = 0.0025 tn10 lbs = 0.005 tn
1 lbs = 0.4536 kg2 lbs = 0.9072 kg5 lbs = 2.268 kg10 lbs = 4.5359 kg
1 lbs = 45.3592 dag2 lbs = 90.7185 dag5 lbs = 226.7962 dag10 lbs = 453.5924 dag
1 lbs = 453.5924 g2 lbs = 907.1847 g5 lbs = 2267.9619 g10 lbs = 4535.9237 g
1 lbs = 453592.3704 mg2 lbs = 907184.7408 mg5 lbs = 2267961.8519 mg10 lbs = 4535923.7038 mg
1 lbs = 16 oz2 lbs = 32 oz5 lbs = 80 oz10 lbs = 160 oz
1 lbs = 2267.9619 ct2 lbs = 4535.9237 ct5 lbs = 11339.8093 ct10 lbs = 22679.6185 ct

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