1000 New Zealand dollar to Australian dollars?


1000 New Zealand dollar to Australian dollars? NZD to AUD converter + exchange rate. 1000 $ to $ conversion ✅

New Zealand dollar to Australian dollars converter

RESULT: 1000 New Zealand dollar = 909.9909 Australian dollars

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1000 New Zealand dollar to Australian dollars?

1000 New Zealand dollar to Australian dollars? New Zealand dollar to Australian dollar converter. 1000 New Zealand dollar = 909.9909 Australian dollars. $ to $ conversion ✅

The New Zealand dollar (Māori: tāra o Aotearoa; sign: $, NZ$; code: NZD) is the official currency and legal tender of New Zealand, the Cook Islands, Niue, the Ross Dependency, Tokelau, and a British territory, the Pitcairn Islands.

The Australian dollar (sign: $; code: AUD) is the currency of Australia, including its external territories: Christmas Island, Cocos (Keeling) Islands, and Norfolk Island. It is officially used as currency by three independent Pacific Island states: Kiribati, Nauru, and Tuvalu.

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