Chinese yuan converter


Chinese yuan converter ✅ Chinese yuan converter conversion calculator to easily convert from CNY currencies to other currencies.

Chinese yuan converter


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Chinese yuan converter (CNY, ¥) + Chinese yuan exchange rate

Convert from Chinese yuan to: U.S. dollars, Euros, Japanese yen, Bitcoins, British pounds, Australian dollars, Bulgarian lev, Brazilian real, Canadian dollars, Chinese yuan, Croatian kuna, Czech koruna, Danish krone, Indian rupee, Israeli shekel, Hungarian forint, Mexican peso, New Zealand dollar, Norwegian krone, Romanian leu, Russian ruble, Serbian dinar, Swedish krona, Swiss franc, Thai baht, Turkish lira, Ukrainian hryvnia.

Example -> Chinese yuan converter

The ’Chiense yuan’ officially renminbi (abbreviation: RMB; Chinese: 人民币; pinyin: Rénmínbì; symbol: 元/圆/¥; code: CNY) is the official currency of the People’s Republic of China

1 CNY = 0.138 USD2 CNY = 0.276 USD5 CNY = 0.69 USD10 CNY = 1.38 USD
1 CNY = 0.129 EUR2 CNY = 0.257 EUR5 CNY = 0.643 EUR10 CNY = 1.286 EUR
1 CNY = 21.627 JPY2 CNY = 43.255 JPY5 CNY = 108.137 JPY10 CNY = 216.275 JPY
1 CNY = 0 BTC2 CNY = 0 BTC5 CNY = 0 BTC10 CNY = 0 BTC
1 CNY = 0.11 GBP2 CNY = 0.221 GBP5 CNY = 0.552 GBP10 CNY = 1.104 GBP
1 CNY = 0.211 AUD2 CNY = 0.422 AUD5 CNY = 1.055 AUD10 CNY = 2.109 AUD
1 CNY = 0.252 BGN2 CNY = 0.503 BGN5 CNY = 1.258 BGN10 CNY = 2.515 BGN
1 CNY = 0.712 BRL2 CNY = 1.424 BRL5 CNY = 3.56 BRL10 CNY = 7.121 BRL
1 CNY = 0.188 CAD2 CNY = 0.377 CAD5 CNY = 0.942 CAD10 CNY = 1.884 CAD
1 CNY = 0.977 HRK2 CNY = 1.954 HRK5 CNY = 4.886 HRK10 CNY = 9.771 HRK
1 CNY = 3.231 CZK2 CNY = 6.463 CZK5 CNY = 16.157 CZK10 CNY = 32.314 CZK
1 CNY = 0.959 DKK2 CNY = 1.918 DKK5 CNY = 4.796 DKK10 CNY = 9.592 DKK
1 CNY = 11.502 INR2 CNY = 23.004 INR5 CNY = 57.511 INR10 CNY = 115.021 INR
1 CNY = 0.527 ILS2 CNY = 1.053 ILS5 CNY = 2.634 ILS10 CNY = 5.267 ILS
1 CNY = 50.533 HUF2 CNY = 101.066 HUF5 CNY = 252.664 HUF10 CNY = 505.328 HUF
1 CNY = 2.377 MXN2 CNY = 4.754 MXN5 CNY = 11.885 MXN10 CNY = 23.77 MXN
1 CNY = 0.232 NZD2 CNY = 0.463 NZD5 CNY = 1.158 NZD10 CNY = 2.316 NZD
1 CNY = 1.513 NOK2 CNY = 3.026 NOK5 CNY = 7.566 NOK10 CNY = 15.132 NOK
1 CNY = 0.64 RON2 CNY = 1.28 RON5 CNY = 3.2 RON10 CNY = 6.401 RON
1 CNY = 12.736 RUB2 CNY = 25.471 RUB5 CNY = 63.678 RUB10 CNY = 127.356 RUB
1 CNY = 15.07 RSD2 CNY = 30.14 RSD5 CNY = 75.35 RSD10 CNY = 150.701 RSD
1 CNY = 1.5 SEK2 CNY = 3.001 SEK5 CNY = 7.502 SEK10 CNY = 15.004 SEK
1 CNY = 0.126 CHF2 CNY = 0.252 CHF5 CNY = 0.629 CHF10 CNY = 1.259 CHF
1 CNY = 5.101 THB2 CNY = 10.202 THB5 CNY = 25.504 THB10 CNY = 51.008 THB
1 CNY = 4.497 TRY2 CNY = 8.993 TRY5 CNY = 22.483 TRY10 CNY = 44.966 TRY
1 CNY = 5.469 UAH2 CNY = 10.938 UAH5 CNY = 27.344 UAH10 CNY = 54.688 UAH

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