Convert 2 Horsepower to Horsepower (metric)


Convert 2 Horsepower to Horsepower (metric). 2 horsepower = 2.0277 horsepower (metric) (or 2 hp = 2.0277 hpm). Hp to hpm conversion ✅

Horsepower to Horsepower (metric) converter

RESULT: 2 horsepower = 2.0277 horsepower (metric)

Power Conversion Calculator FAQ

Convert 2 Horsepower to Horsepower (metric)

The mechanical horsepower or imperial horsepower (symbol: hp) is a unit of measurement of power, or the rate at which work is done, usually in reference to the output of engines or motors. 1 mechanical horsepower (or imperial horsepower) = 745,69 Watt.

The metric horsepower is a unit of measurement of power. 1 metric horsepower = 735,5 Watt.

How to calculate this (2 hp to hpm)?

This conversion calculator can help you to get answers to questions like:

2 horsepower are equal to how many horsepower (metric)?
How much are 2 horsepower in horsepower (metric)?
How to convert 2 horsepower to horsepower (metric)?

Let’s see the answer step by step!

  • 1. Step: 1 horsepower = 1.013869665424 horsepower (metric)
  • 2. Step: 2*1 horsepower = 2*1.013869665424 horsepower (metric)
  • 3. RESULT: 2 horsepower = 2.027739330848 horsepower (metric)

Answer: 2 horsepower equals 2.027739330848 horsepower (metric).

Similar conversion: 2 hp to hpm

(Results are rounded to 4 digits.)

2.1 hp = 2.1291 hpm3 hp = 3.0416 hpm12 hp = 12.1664 hpm1002 hp = 1015.8974 hpm
2.2 hp = 2.2305 hpm4 hp = 4.0555 hpm22 hp = 22.3051 hpm2002 hp = 2029.7671 hpm
2.3 hp = 2.3319 hpm5 hp = 5.0693 hpm32 hp = 32.4438 hpm3002 hp = 3043.6367 hpm
2.4 hp = 2.4333 hpm6 hp = 6.0832 hpm42 hp = 42.5825 hpm4002 hp = 4057.5064 hpm
2.5 hp = 2.5347 hpm7 hp = 7.0971 hpm52 hp = 52.7212 hpm5002 hp = 5071.3761 hpm
2.6 hp = 2.6361 hpm8 hp = 8.111 hpm62 hp = 62.8599 hpm6002 hp = 6085.2457 hpm
2.7 hp = 2.7374 hpm9 hp = 9.1248 hpm72 hp = 72.9986 hpm7002 hp = 7099.1154 hpm
2.8 hp = 2.8388 hpm10 hp = 10.1387 hpm82 hp = 83.1373 hpm8002 hp = 8112.9851 hpm
2.9 hp = 2.9402 hpm11 hp = 11.1526 hpm92 hp = 93.276 hpm9002 hp = 9126.8547 hpm

Other 2 horsepower conversion

  • 2 horsepower (hp) = 0 gigawatts (GW)
  • 2 horsepower (hp) = 0.0015 megawatts (MW)
  • 2 horsepower (hp) = 1.4914 kilowatts (kW)
  • 2 horsepower (hp) = 1491.3997 watts (W)
  • 2 horsepower (hp) = 1491399.7432 milliwatts (mW)
  • 2 horsepower (hp) = 2.0277 horsepower (metric) (hpm)
  • 2 horsepower (hp) = 5088.8672 BTU/h (BTU/h)
  • 2 horsepower (hp) = 1282372.952 calorie/h (cal/h)

Sample horsepower to horsepower (metric) conversion

(Results are rounded to 4 digits.)

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Convert 2 Horsepower to Horsepower (metric)

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