Convert 9 Horsepower to Horsepower (metric)


Convert 9 Horsepower to Horsepower (metric). 9 horsepower = 9.1248 horsepower (metric) (or 9 hp = 9.1248 hpm). Hp to hpm conversion ✅

Horsepower to Horsepower (metric) converter

RESULT: 9 horsepower = 9.1248 horsepower (metric)

Power Conversion Calculator FAQ

Convert 9 Horsepower to Horsepower (metric)

The mechanical horsepower or imperial horsepower (symbol: hp) is a unit of measurement of power, or the rate at which work is done, usually in reference to the output of engines or motors. 1 mechanical horsepower (or imperial horsepower) = 745,69 Watt.

The metric horsepower is a unit of measurement of power. 1 metric horsepower = 735,5 Watt.

How to calculate this (9 hp to hpm)?

This conversion calculator can help you to get answers to questions like:

9 horsepower are equal to how many horsepower (metric)?
How much are 9 horsepower in horsepower (metric)?
How to convert 9 horsepower to horsepower (metric)?

Let’s see the answer step by step!

  • 1. Step: 1 horsepower = 1.013869665424 horsepower (metric)
  • 2. Step: 9*1 horsepower = 9*1.013869665424 horsepower (metric)
  • 3. RESULT: 9 horsepower = 9.1248269888162 horsepower (metric)

Answer: 9 horsepower equals 9.1248269888162 horsepower (metric).

Similar conversion: 9 hp to hpm

(Results are rounded to 4 digits.)

9.1 hp = 9.2262 hpm10 hp = 10.1387 hpm19 hp = 19.2635 hpm1009 hp = 1022.9945 hpm
9.2 hp = 9.3276 hpm11 hp = 11.1526 hpm29 hp = 29.4022 hpm2009 hp = 2036.8642 hpm
9.3 hp = 9.429 hpm12 hp = 12.1664 hpm39 hp = 39.5409 hpm3009 hp = 3050.7338 hpm
9.4 hp = 9.5304 hpm13 hp = 13.1803 hpm49 hp = 49.6796 hpm4009 hp = 4064.6035 hpm
9.5 hp = 9.6318 hpm14 hp = 14.1942 hpm59 hp = 59.8183 hpm5009 hp = 5078.4732 hpm
9.6 hp = 9.7331 hpm15 hp = 15.208 hpm69 hp = 69.957 hpm6009 hp = 6092.3428 hpm
9.7 hp = 9.8345 hpm16 hp = 16.2219 hpm79 hp = 80.0957 hpm7009 hp = 7106.2125 hpm
9.8 hp = 9.9359 hpm17 hp = 17.2358 hpm89 hp = 90.2344 hpm8009 hp = 8120.0822 hpm
9.9 hp = 10.0373 hpm18 hp = 18.2497 hpm99 hp = 100.3731 hpm9009 hp = 9133.9518 hpm

Other 9 horsepower conversion

  • 9 horsepower (hp) = 0 gigawatts (GW)
  • 9 horsepower (hp) = 0.0067 megawatts (MW)
  • 9 horsepower (hp) = 6.7113 kilowatts (kW)
  • 9 horsepower (hp) = 6711.2988 watts (W)
  • 9 horsepower (hp) = 6711298.8442 milliwatts (mW)
  • 9 horsepower (hp) = 9.1248 horsepower (metric) (hpm)
  • 9 horsepower (hp) = 22899.9022 BTU/h (BTU/h)
  • 9 horsepower (hp) = 5770678.284 calorie/h (cal/h)

Sample horsepower to horsepower (metric) conversion

(Results are rounded to 4 digits.)

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Convert 9 Horsepower to Horsepower (metric)

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