Years converter


Years converter ✅ Years conversion calculator to easily convert from years type units of measurement to other units.

Years converter


Time Conversion Calculator FAQ

Years converter (y)

Convert from years to: years, months, weeks, days, hour, minutes, seconds, milliseconds, microseconds, nanoseconds.

Year conversion chart

A year (symbol: y) is an approximation of the number of days of the Earth´s orbital period, as counted in a given calendar.

1 y = 12 m2 y = 24 m5 y = 60 m10 y = 120 m
1 y = 52.143 w2 y = 104.286 w5 y = 260.714 w10 y = 521.429 w
1 y = 365 d2 y = 730 d5 y = 1825 d10 y = 3650 d
1 y = 8760 h2 y = 17520 h5 y = 43800 h10 y = 87600 h
1 y = 525600 min2 y = 1051200 min5 y = 2628000 min10 y = 5256000 min
1 y = 31536000 s2 y = 63072000 s5 y = 157680000 s10 y = 315360000 s
1 y = 31536000000 ms2 y = 63072000000 ms5 y = 157680000000 ms10 y = 315360000000 ms
1 y = 31536000000000 µs2 y = 63072000000000 µs5 y = 1.5768E+14 µs10 y = 3.1536E+14 µs
1 y = 3.1536E+16 ns2 y = 6.3072E+16 ns5 y = 1.5768E+17 ns10 y = 3.1536E+17 ns

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