Imperial gallon converter


Imperial gallon converter ✅ Imperial gallon conversion calculator to easily convert from Imperial gallon type units of measurement to other units.

Imperial gallon converter


Volume Conversion Calculator FAQ

Imperial gallon converter (ig)

Convert from Imperial gallons to: cubic meters, cubic decimeters, cubic centimeters, cubic millimeters, liters, deciliters, centiliters, milliliters, US gallons, Imperial gallons, US quarts, Imperial quarts, US pints, Imperial pints, cubic yards, cubic feet, cubic inches.

Imperial gallon conversion chart

An imperial gallon (abbravation: gal GB or gal Imp) contains 160 fluid ounces, i.e. 4.54609 liters.

(Results are rounded to 4 digits.)

1 ig = 0.0045 m³2 ig = 0.0091 m³5 ig = 0.0227 m³10 ig = 0.0455 m³
1 ig = 4.5461 dm³2 ig = 9.0922 dm³5 ig = 22.7304 dm³10 ig = 45.4609 dm³
1 ig = 4546.09 cm³2 ig = 9092.18 cm³5 ig = 22730.45 cm³10 ig = 45460.9 cm³
1 ig = 4546090 mm³2 ig = 9092180 mm³5 ig = 22730450 mm³10 ig = 45460900 mm³
1 ig = 4.5461 l2 ig = 9.0922 l5 ig = 22.7304 l10 ig = 45.4609 l
1 ig = 45.4609 dl2 ig = 90.9218 dl5 ig = 227.3045 dl10 ig = 454.609 dl
1 ig = 454.609 cl2 ig = 909.218 cl5 ig = 2273.045 cl10 ig = 4546.09 cl
1 ig = 4546.09 ml2 ig = 9092.18 ml5 ig = 22730.45 ml10 ig = 45460.9 ml
1 ig = 1.2009 usg2 ig = 2.4019 usg5 ig = 6.0047 usg10 ig = 12.0095 usg
1 ig = 4.8038 usqt2 ig = 9.6076 usqt5 ig = 24.019 usqt10 ig = 48.038 usqt
1 ig = 4 iqt2 ig = 8 iqt5 ig = 20 iqt10 ig = 40 iqt
1 ig = 9.6076 uspt2 ig = 19.2152 uspt5 ig = 48.038 uspt10 ig = 96.076 uspt
1 ig = 8 ipt2 ig = 16 ipt5 ig = 40 ipt10 ig = 80 ipt
1 ig = 0.0059 yd³2 ig = 0.0119 yd³5 ig = 0.0297 yd³10 ig = 0.0595 yd³
1 ig = 0.1605 ft³2 ig = 0.3211 ft³5 ig = 0.8027 ft³10 ig = 1.6054 ft³
1 ig = 277.4194 in³2 ig = 554.8389 in³5 ig = 1387.0972 in³10 ig = 2774.1943 in³

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